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The most commonly-used IRS tax form is the Form 1040.
Form 1040 for 2009 is used to report all types of income, including those you cannot put on Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ, and you can still download IRS Form 1040 for 2009.
To download the free 2009 IRS Form 1040, please take a moment to register below: * indicates required fields.
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By clicking "Continue" above, your information will be handled per our Privacy Policy. Registration is voluntary, and forms may also be downloaded from In addition, you may receive a confirmation e-mail with important tax-related links.
Form 1040 is published by the IRS in the universal PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print the IRS Tax Form you requested (which you can download for free).
To download the 2009 Form 1040, click below:
Itemized Deductions
Interest and Dividend Income and its associates do not provide individual tax advice or guidance.
All IRS forms are believed to be the most up-to-date from the Internal Revenue Service, and are provided to you "as is" with no warranty.
Always consult the IRS or your tax professional if you have questions. For more legal information, please click here.